En av de beste MarkDown-parserne i PHP er selvfølgelig Parsedown.Selvfølgelig er det også Tekstil, men det er for skummelt, men for en forandring, prøv det også.I dette dokumentet vil vi analysere hele syntaksen til Parsedown.Vi tok eksemplene fra den offisielle nettsiden og plasserte dem slik at det ville være praktisk for deg å raskt finne eksemplet du trenger på én side.
Så, Parsedown jukseark.
| header 1 | header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| cell 1.1 | cell 1.2 |
| cell 2.1 | cell 2.2 |
| header 1 | header 2 | header 2 |
| :------- | :------: | -------: |
| cell 1.1 | cell 1.2 | cell 1.3 |
| cell 2.1 | cell 2.2 | cell 2.3 |
# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6
####### not a heading
# closed h1 #
<div class="inner">
<style type="text/css">
p {color: #789;}
<a href="/">home</a></div>
$message = 'Hello World!';
echo $message;
> not a quote
- not a list item
[not a reference]: http://foo.com
a `code span`
`this is also a codespan` trailing text
`and look at this one!`
single backtick in a code span: `` ` ``
backtick-delimited string in a code span: `` `foo` ``
`sth `` sth`
> header
> ------
> paragraph
> - li
> ---
> paragraph
_`code`_ __`code`__
- paragraph
- paragraph
> quote
- li
- li
- li
- li
- li
- li
___em strong___
___em strong_ strong__
__strong _em strong___
__strong _em strong_ strong__
***em strong***
***em strong* strong**
**strong *em strong***
**strong *em strong* strong**
my email is <me@example.com>
_underscore_, *asterisk*, _one two_, *three four*, _a_, *b*
**strong** and *em* and **strong** and *em*
an empty emphasis __ ** is not an emphasis
*mixed **double and* single asterisk** spans
escaped \*emphasis\*.
`escaped \*emphasis\* in a code span`
escaped \*emphasis\* in a code block
\\ \` \* \_ \{ \} \[ \] \( \) \> \# \+ \- \. \!
_one\_two_ __one\_two__
*one\*two* **one\*two**
$message = 'fenced code block';
echo $message;
echo 'language identifier';
echo 'language identifier with non words';
echo "Hello World";
<a href="http://auraphp.com" >Aura Project</a>
```php some-class
echo "Hello World";
- - -
- - -
<!-- single line -->
multiline -->
& © {
![Markdown Logo][image]
[image]: /md.png
![missing reference]

an [implicit] reference link
[implicit]: http://example.com
an [implicit][] reference link with an empty link definition
an [implicit][] reference link followed by [another][]
[another]: http://cnn.com
an [explicit][example] reference link with a title
[example]: http://example.com "Example"
[link](/url-(parentheses)) with parentheses in URL
([link](/index.php)) in parentheses
[ and text](http://example.com)
[ and text](http://example.com)
[single quotes](http://example.com 'Title')
[double quotes](http://example.com "Title")
[single quotes blank](http://example.com '')
[double quotes blank](http://example.com "")
[space](http://example.com "2 Words")
[parentheses](http://example.com/url-(parentheses) "Title")
[single quotes](http://example.com 'Example') and [double quotes](http://example.com "Example")
> quote
the rest of it
> another paragraph
the rest of it
- li
the rest of it
- li
1. One
First body copy
2. Two
Last body copy
_adopted child_
1. one
2. two
repeating numbers:
1. one
1. two
large numbers:
123. one
- li
- li
* li
* li
[double quotes] and [single quotes] and [parentheses]
[double quotes]: http://example.com "example title"
[single quotes]: http://example.com 'example title'
[parentheses]: http://example.com (example title)
[invalid title]: http://example.com example title
<hr />
<hr class="foo" id="bar" />
<hr class="foo" id="bar"/>
<hr class="foo" id="bar" >
- li
- li
- li
single character
not a header
> quote
> quote
no space after `>`:
header 1 | header 2
-------- | --------
cell 1.1 | cell 1.2
cell 2.1 | cell 2.2
header 1 | header 2
:------- | --------
cell 1.1 | cell 1.2
cell 2.1 | cell 2.2
an <b>important</b> <a href=''>link</a>
<b>inline tag</b> at the beginning
- li
- li
- li
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
- li
- li
- li
- indented li
AT&T has an ampersand in their name
this & that
4 < 5 and 6 > 5
[inline link](/script?a=1&b=2)
[reference link][1]
[1]: http://example.com/?a=1&b=2
here's ~~one~~ followed by ~~another one~~
~~ this ~~ is not one neither is ~this~
*em **strong em***
***strong em** em*
*em **strong em** em*
_em __strong em___
___strong em__ em_
_em __strong em__ em_
$message = 'Hello World!';
echo $message;
echo "following a blank line";
| _header_ 1 | header 2 |
| ------------ | ------------ |
| _cell_ 1.1 | ~~cell~~ 1.2 |
| `|` 2.1 | \| 2.2 |
| `\|` 2.1 | [link](/) |
[reference link][1]
[1]: http://example.com
[one][website] with a semantic name
[website]: http://example.com
[one][404] with no definition
one][website] defined on 2 lines
[one][Label] with a mixed case label and an upper case definition
[LABEL]: http://example.com
[1] with the a label on the next line
- li
- li
mixed markers:
* li
+ li
- li
| header 1 | header 2 |
| ------------- | ----------- |
| cell 1.1 | cell 1.2 |
| cell 2.1 | cell 2.2 |
an autolink http://example.com
inside of brackets [http://example.com], inside of braces {http://example.com}, inside of parentheses (http://example.com)
trailing slash http://example.com/ and http://example.com/path/


[xss]( javascript:alert(1))
[xss]( data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==)

Parsedown som vist ovenfor har mange nyanser, men dekker alle de grunnleggende funksjonene til MarkDown.
Å koble Parsedown i PHP er ekstremt enkelt, vi trenger ikke en komponist, bare én Parsedown.php-fil er nok
$Parsedown = new Parsedown();
echo $Parsedown->text('Hello _Parsedown_!');