Unfortunately, out of the box, it is not possible to filter data with a regular expression in Excel.I would be glad how to implement such filtering using formulas, but this will no longer be our way.
In this office, everything is much worse than in a regular Microsoft Office, and filtering by a regular expression will also not work in a simple way.
OpenOffice does a pretty good job of filtering a column with a regular expression.
Like OpenOffice, LibreOffice can sort a column by a regular expression.Well, what do you want, once it was a single code base.
I would like to call this office suite a notepad in the world of spreadsheets. It does nothing
The prettiest office suite in my opinion, but not the most functional, and of course in OnlyOffice it is impossible to make a column filter with a regular expression.
I think that in Google docs spreadsheets it is somehow possible to filter a column with a regular expression, but I did not succeed, although I tried a lot of options, but I did something wrong.There was no magic formula.A simple person will not master filtering in Google Docs, so I boldly put an end to it, but still there is a chance.
No way.Zoho at the level of Office 365, completely primitive features in terms of filtering data in a column.
Yandex Office is based on Microsoft Office 365, so nothing works there))
No, it's based on the MyOffice product
No way.This is a half-baked product for geeks, the worst I've ever seen
When inserting data, everything fell.No sorting here.Nightmare.
Let's look at how we can filter data in a column using programming languages.I will say right away that there are no restrictions in programming languages, in any language where there are regular expressions it is possible to filter a table column with a regular expression.But for example, there are no regular expressions in LUA, so even there it may not work.Let's imagine that our table is stored in a 1.csv file, and try to filter with a regular expression.
Sample data:
PHP example of filtering a column with a regular expression:
$lines = file ( '1.csv' );
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$items = explode(";", $line);
if (!preg_match("#[0-9]#", $items[0]))
There are a lot of options for implementing this task in PHP.
Perhaps the shortest solution on AWK.
awk -F";" "$1!~/[0-9]/ {print}" 1.csv > 3.csv
AWK did a great job of filtering the first column and putting everything neatly into the new file.